

Given the logical global social concern and the difficulties that have arisen during these dates, at idea strategic research solutions want to show our support for the necessary safeguards to ensure the health of people. We would also like to make a call in defence of peace of mind and responsibility, both collectively and individually.


As a researchers, at idea solutions have been adapting to new times and working in parallel with different online qualitative methods for many years, which gives us a wide experience working in this sense for the clients have not to postpone their projects in any circumstances. Currently, we still running and working in projects as a team with totally efficient.

We are achieving this with the quality that distinguishes us thanks to new technologies:

  • Online communities, blogs, focus groups through our online platform runtheidea (https://idea-solutions.flexmr.net/ powered by FlexMR )
  • In-depth interviews via online, video call (Skype/Zoom) or telephone.

Finally, we want to transmit all our energy to the health and basic services staff who are doing an essential job so that soon all professionals can do what we like best in the way we like best.


Best greetings from the idea team



https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6650696926134091777 (ENG)

https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6644200893581443072  (Spanish)


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